This media release was a class assignment and not for publication. Neither this release, or myself, have anything to do with SeaWorld or the makers of “Blackfish.” Our group posed as the public relations team for SeaWorld after the release of “Blackfish.”
Since the backlash from “Blackfish,” SeaWorld has been working hard to show that we are an organization that cares about our animals, trainers and staff. As part of this effort, SeaWorld is unveiling new facilities and animal habitats, including an open-ocean exhibit, as part of a free event to the public!
- The documentary centers around the captivity of Tilikum, an orca involved in the deaths of three individuals, and the consequences of keeping orcas in captivity.
- The film focuses on the claims of former SeaWorld trainers. They claim that SeaWorld knew the dangers to trainers, and the whales, when keeping whales in captivity.
- Since its release in 2013, SeaWorld has made considerable efforts in improving daily operations and policies in order to continue their efforts in conservation in a manner that’s safe to staff, trainers and animals.
- SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment™ is a leading conservation, theme park and entertainment company delivering personal, interactive and educational experiences that blend imagination with nature and enable our guests to celebrate, connect with and care for the natural world we share.
- We also are one of the world’s foremost zoological organizations and a worldwide leader in animal welfare, training, husbandry and veterinary care.
- Our parks offer a variety of experiences including, but not limited to, roller coaster rides, tours, animal experiences, shows and more.
- The event is from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at SeaWorld Orlando, Fla. Feb. 3, 2018
- Veterinary specialists from around the globe will be available to answer questions from the public at panels throughout the day.
- There will be a short film to address the concerns raised by “Blackfish.”
- There will be a question-and-answer session with our CEO, Jim Atchison. At 7 p.m.
- We will unveil our Open Ocean exhibit for orcas.
- Our team’s event will be hosted on the basis of a first-come, first-served policy until the park is at full capacity.
- Security will be scattered around various areas of the park, and emergency transportation vehicles will be waiting in the parking lot in the event of an unfortunate incident.
- According to National Geographic, Orcas are documented to travel long distances in the wild. Some distances were recorded to be as much as 2,000 kilometers!
- Penguins can dive down to depths of over 500 meters and hold their breath for up to 22 minutes!
“For these animals, and the many others that we care for at Sea World, room to roam is an integral part of their health and habits,” says SeaWorld’s managing researcher John Doe.
“We’re opening our new open ocean exhibit for all our orcas in order to give these awesome creatures room to grow and develop,” says Doe.
“We have altered how we care for, display and train these extraordinary animals. We have changed the facilities, equipment and procedures at our killer whale habitats. The care and educational presentation of these animals at SeaWorld has been made safer than ever,” said Michael Scarpuzzi, the vice president for zoological operations and trainer for SeaWorld San Diego.
Title—Re-Open with a Splash!
Copy—According to National Geographic, Orcas are documented to travel long distances in the wild. Some distances were recorded to be as much as 1,300 miles! Find out how we’re making this possible in our new orca habitats at (link).
Event Webpage Banner:
Website: https://seaworld.com/?utm_content=Initiative+SeaWorld+National&gclid=CjwKCAiA9f7QBRBpEiwApLGUimtpWFthX7zUt9pbhD5AOdgrHhKKMYudlleQxOXVfP5yvNqzXI_ouxoCZaoQAvD_BwE&dclid=CNP-rMfv5dcCFYN0wQodcvoDdw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seaworldorlando/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeaWorld/?ref=br_rs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeaWorld
Point of Contact:
Rebecca Romzek, Publicist
***You can read more about this project at www.amykschutt.com/media-release.html***